Is your business missing these important tools?
There are still entrepreneurs out there who expect digital enterprise to be all about reduced overheads, lower workloads and a massive customer base.
While few businesses can afford to be without a digital presence, successful ecommerce is actually very hard work. Competition is fierce, and accuracy, unique selling points and constant novelty are essential to keep your business and stock in the public eye and up to date.
Content management systems
The tools that are supposed to make running ecommerce operations simple are also much misunderstood. Whether you’ve chosen WooCommerce, Magento or Volusion, there will be times when you feel you need a management system to manage your management system. Content management is an imperfect art, and search engine optimisation (SEO) and other forms of marketing, require substantial investments of time, and therefore money.
SEO is a subject in itself. There is a good summary of the basic principles here: https://www.corephp.com/blog/core-principles-seo-content-links-social-media/. It helps a lot if your site design is optimised for SEO from the start, and you need the help of experienced developers to ensure this. In London WordPress web design is available from https://happy2host.com/.
You have to produce consistent, quality material for both people and search engines. Your CMS won’t do everything for you, but fortunately, there are numerous tools that can help.
Managing social media
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are used by so many people they are costly to ignore. Google also looks for social media activity when it ranks your main website. However, engaging in social conversations is not something many businesses have time for. To address this problem, social media management tools are appearing. One to check out is Hootsuite.
Plagiarism checkers
Originality is important. Google is extremely good at remembering if it has read your content somewhere before. There are several online plagiarism checkers that will tell you almost instantly if your content is sufficiently original.
Email marketing
Email marketing doesn’t have to mean spam, and spam is ineffectual and can damage your reputation. However, reaching out to site visitors and targeted demographic sectors with genuinely interesting material makes total sense. Email marketing tools allow you to mail en masse, but still retain personal qualities in your outreach. MailChimp has a free online tool to do this, or you can easily attach contact lists to email clients like Thunderbird.
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