Prepare to install engineered hardwood flooring
The saying goes “failure to prepare is to prepare to fail”. It is true that engineered wood floors are difficult to install. Before you lay your first plank, there are several things to do. You should not skip any of these steps as they can have a negative impact on the final outcome and, in extreme cases, even cause your engineered wood flooring to crack or split.
- Check the humidity levels of the room first. Wood is an organic material and therefore sensitive to changes in humidity, temperature, or moisture. It is important to check that not only the subfloor, but also the relative humidity in the room and subfloor are suitable for installation. Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for installation recommendations. For Engineered Wood Flooring, visit irwintiles.ie/wooden-flooring/engineered-wood-flooring
- Check the condition and level of your subfloor. It is important to prepare your subfloor for the new flooring. Remove your old flooring, make sure it is clean, dry, flat, and level. According to the subfloor type, you may also need a damp-proof membrane.
- After you have checked the moisture level and subfloor, it is time to acclimatise the flooring. The boxes should be placed flat on the floor of the room where they will be installed, with enough space between them to allow air to circulate. Allow the product to settle in for 48 hours. The temperature of the room should be between 18C-27C, and that of the floor above 15C.
- You run the risk that your floor will change shape after installation and could bow, split or crack.
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