6 Ways to improve your conversation
Learn to listen to people and become a skilled communicator so you can build lasting relationships.
The solution to the problem of understanding others is to improve your listening skills. Active listening is about building relationships, understanding and trust.
Your factor of “sympathy” is determined by your ability to listen to customers and respond to their needs, requests and concerns. You do not have to be born with the gift of being a communicator expert. You are six tips to help you become a great listener and really listen to what others say, not just what you think they are saying or what you want to hear.
- Shows a real interest: When you talk to someone, especially in a noisy and busy environment, give him or her your full attention. If you are distracted or not you can listen well, ask them to move to a quieter area. Put yourself in the place of others and try to see the situation through their eyes. Ask questions and encourage them to develop. Even if you have not experienced the same situation, try to share a personal story about a time when you felt about the same.
- Use the magic words: “Tell me.” Many people valued the opportunity to share their stories and experiences. Successful conversationalists avoid questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Ask open-ended questions and listening. For example, you could say: “Tell me, what motivated you to start your business?”, or question their opinion, “I would take my family on vacation. Tell me do you have a favorite place to go on vacation? “When you choose a topic of conversation, it shows interest in the other person, the discussion will flow.
- Say the name of the person: Dale Carnegie once said “a person’s name is to that person the most important sound in any language.” Any known will be flattered and impressed if you remember what it’s called. If you have trouble remembering names, practice as much as possible. When you meet someone for the first time, say the name of the person immediately. Answer something like “I am pleased to meet you, Fernando.” Then use your name a few times in conversation. When the conversation ends repeats his name one last time.
- It is valid to agree with that person, but also quietly express your disagreement. When someone agrees with you, an instant loop is created. Suddenly both have something in common. Either way, the strongest professional relationships require mutual respect and admiration, even in disagreement. Tolerance and respect are vital for successful networking. If you’re really not in accordance with the opinion of someone, tell him politely that you do not see well. Ask questions and let the person you express your reasoning.
- Talk less, listen more: When someone speaks, listen with every part of your body. Nods make eye contact and get involved in everything you have to say. Listen carefully build confidence and help you establish a professional relationship. When you are given the opportunity, make relevant questions. That will help you show your interest. If you do not understand, ask more specific questions. It is best to confirm assumptions rather than risk a lack of communication.
- Do not interrupt or change the subject: Many professionals the prayers of others without realizing it. If you do this and interrupt the prayer of the other person, you can prevent him or her to express their true thoughts. Even if your intentions are good, the other person can see that you feel like a wise guy or you’re impatient. Or worse, you may think you’re putting words in his mouth. Let people have time to express themselves before you answer. Your patience and consideration will be appreciated.
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