35% of users hide company and brand updates on social networks

35% of users hide company and brand updates on social networks

23% of social media users in the UK have done some sort of search on a product or service after having read something in one of the social services, according to a recent study by YouGov, which represents 6% Increase over the previous year. Additionally, 13% have bought something as a result after having read about it on any of the social platforms, 7% above the April 2012 edition of the same study. At the same time this suggests that companies are getting a greater relationship with social media users, their efforts are also proving to be a genuine nuisance for many of them.

35% of users hide company and brand updates on social networksDetails of the study indicate that the acceptance of advertising on these platforms by users is quite low. Only 5% acknowledge that they clicked last year on an ad they have seen on a social platform, and less than 1 in 10 say that the ads they have seen, and that have been personalized to them, have been relevant to them.

An Ipsos study indicates that 52% of adults in the UK prefer custom ads on social networks versus general ads, a percentage that is below 56% overall. Young men, between the ages of 25 and 39, are more willing to accept that advertising is more relevant to them, with 21% agreeing or very agreeing that this is the case.

Even so, there has been a large increase in the number of participants who have stopped using social media because they have been bombarded with numerous marketing promotions, according to researchers. Overall, a majority of users show negative attitudes towards social media marketing, a result that is corroborated by Forrester Research data, in which only 10% of Europeans claim to rely on social media marketing .

In this study, 35% of respondents said they were hiding company updates and they did so very often, and 1 in 5 said they had abandoned social networks because they were concerned that their data could be used by third parties.

The 40 of social media users would stop following or indicating that they like a company if it says or does something they disagree with.

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