• Do you have a plan?

    If you are thinking that your business could do with some fresh marketing then before you start you should have a strategy or plan. You need a solid foundation so you get the most out of your promotional activities otherwise you risk wasting precious time, effort and money on areas that will not reap benefits. […]

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  • Marketing for your small business

    As a small business owner it can be difficult to find the time and budget for effective marketing strategies. However, marketing our business is essential for people to learn about your services and brand. The more you sell yourself, the more sales you’ll get. Important advice to follow is don’t blow your whole budget on […]

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  • Advantages of Pneumatic Conveyors Over Mechanical

    Before investing in one method over another, you must determine whether the materials are suitable for a pneumatic solution. Pneumatics are most often used with non-abrasive, non-fragile materials that have fairly low density – typically less than 62 lb/ft3. Ideal materials include flour, sugar, plastic granules, zinc oxide, hydrated lime or carbon. Image Credit Other […]

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  • Making a corporate office feel cosy

    One of the most effective ways to increase efficiency and productivity among your employees is to create an office atmosphere that is comfortable and welcoming. Image Credit The dingy Dickensian days of simply providing a desk and a filing cabinet are long gone. After taking into account health and safety issues, there are many ways […]

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  • How to hire successfully

    Hiring someone for a position in your company is not an easy task. How can you be sure you have the right person? Of course, going with your gut and the chemistry with a person are important factors to consider, there are other more tried and tested methods to ensure that you employ the correct […]

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  • Antiques online: The best apps and websites

    Browsing around antique shops and fairs is still a popular pastime, but like many other areas of commerce, the internet has changed the way we look for products. These days, many people look for their antiques online. Image Credit Whether you are looking for collectables or cast iron baths, you’ll find there are many websites […]

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  • A clean sweep

    Finding the right cleaning company may take some research as you will want to find the best fit as quickly as possible. A professional cleaning service will know exactly what their customers needs are and be fully prepared to fulfil that obligation. Good communication from the start is essential and this communication should be nurtured […]

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