Loyalty strategies: Adapt to the client or disappear
Fifty people responsible for customer management and Marketing of the main companies in the country met in Valencia to analyze the relationship with the consumer and discuss loyalty strategies.
During two days the managers have attended presentations and colloquia and have participated in face-to-face meetings with solution providers, where they have been able to study new business opportunities.
Those responsible for customer management and Marketing of the main companies in the country have met in Valencia to discuss how to improve the relationship with the consumer in “Diálogo CxO: Strategic customer management”, a meeting organized by econique Iberia, a company generating contact networks for senior management.
In an adverse economic context like the present, the consumer tends more than ever to “infidelity”, so loyalty is currently the top priority for all brands and, at the same time, their greatest challenge. Through strategic presentations, interactive colloquia and face-to-face meetings with counterparts and solution providers (meeting partners), participants have been able to debate for two days about this and other topics related to their daily activity.
The relationship with the client
During the Dialogue, all attendees agreed on the importance of knowing the client and understanding their needs. The technological development has generated the appearance of new communication channels with the consumer, but, at the same time, its profile has changed. Now the buyer is more informed than ever and his level of demand has increased considerably. Experts called this duality a challenge-opportunity, which forces companies to reorient their strategies. The presentations have shown some practical cases of how different organizations from different sectors are adapting to the new times.
Loyalty has been another issue that has aroused more interest. In a market that tends towards the homogenization of products, services and prices, managers are committed to differentiate themselves by establishing a link with the customer. This link should be, in his opinion, the quality and attention that the consumer receives from the brand. They also advocated developing innovative, creative loyalty strategies that add value in the relationship with the buyer.
Customer orientation, social network marketing, risk management, multi-channel strategies and optimization of online sales were other issues that have been discussed in the presentations and the colloquiums. In the face-to-face meetings, organized on the basis of the coincidences of interests between managers and solution providers, the participants have been able to delve into more specific topics and study new business opportunities.
“CxO Dialogue: Strategic Customer Management” has had Actions Data, Alterian, Avanade, CCS Agresso, Experian, IBdos, Infor, Izo System, LaSer, Microsoft Dynamics and Oracle as partners. econique plans to hold the second edition on February 24 and 25, 2010.
At present, the company organizes meetings for four business areas. All of them are characterized by the high level of the attendees – selected among the elite of each sector -, the adaptation to individual interests and the maximum use of time. After holding them, econique carries out a process of matching analysis (called Business Matching) between the current needs of managers and the competencies of suppliers. The responses generate common synergies and interests and, based on this, personal and unique agendas are created for each participant, thus offering a tailored platform for each of the attendees.
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