3 Practical exercises to better meet your customers

3 Practical exercises to better meet your customers

Many times when a manager or marketing manager is asked about whom the clients your company respond 3-4 summarizes data and with the conviction that they have all the necessary information. Are these data 3-4 enough to really meet potential customers? In 95% of companies do not. If working in this way, the company is losing many opportunities to obtain relevant data to help communicate more effectively with existing customers form, and also find new points of important meeting to attract new customers interested in the product or service offered.

Theoretically it sounds great but how to carry out this task is accomplished better meet customers? What data are needed? With these 3 practical examples that you can hopefully dispel those doubts.

3 Practical exercises to better meet your customersThese three methodologies or practical exercises are:

1- Target.

2- Buyer person.

3- Map of empathy for customers.


The target is the more traditional method of market segmentation based on the identification of the most relevant data to develop a “box type” to serve as areference. This method can serve consumer products for large groups of customers: food or drink for example, although it has some deficiencies. Data normally are referenced are:

– Age.

– Sex.

– Geographic situation.

– Acquisitive level.

2- Buyer person

With this method, most recently it has tried to complete the “classic target”. Many responsible marketing occurred in the target, although he had many statistical data, missing data user behavior or potential customers. The target could not answer questions like: what really concerns a potential client? What are your goals? What usually you think about your day?

3- Customer map of empathy

This is certainly the most visual and has an important characteristic that the participation of the entire companies in order to complete the gaps between all looking for. There is more than a drawing of the head of customer to go given the 6 most relevant fields of a potential customer. The intention is hitting “post-it” on every site you go taking shape.

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