The main errors of the “speakers” when lecture
In this article I would like to pick up many of my views after attending a lot of conferences placing the focus on the listener, who after all is who will determine if it was worth attending the event or not. In my opinion, the main objectives of a speaker when lectures are:
– Be able to connect with the audience, that there is no barrier between sender and recipient of the message
– That listeners can recorder medium term 2-3 most important ideas of “speech”
– Being able to provide some useful element or value for listeners
– Give a good image as a lecturer
Major errors when the speakers lecture
Many times it happens that going to an event in one day and just watching more than 5 conferences, is when you compare and have some insight to list these errors:
1- Overstepping exposure of personal achievement: When a presentation is well placed start that is the speaker in question but may be an error if the speaker a good time (or constant references) is passed to prove too much or forcibly their skills, achievements and technical skills on the subject. This can create an insurmountable barrier to the listener.
2- Static or very expressive body language: The message to potential gains should be noted that there is movement and energy in the speaker. If not used well the body may seem that there is an excess of nerves or if you are too relaxed can be interpreted lack of interest.
3- Center all contributions commercial reasons: it would not be the first time any company director is invited to make a speech at an event and passed over half an hour explaining how well your company does things. That no value to the listener and the director in question can become a “speaker spammer”
4- Fall into too many technicalities: if you do the too technical conference may be great for some but for the vast majority will be boring and with plenty of opportunities to disconnect to return to no longer catch the thread of the presentation.
5- Do not use the “storytelling”: willy – nilly people retain more concepts explained through stories. This is how you can customize what you want to explain and involves much more the listener.
6- Use a too solemn and serious tone: To try to connect with whom never listens hurts a little break the ice with some funny situation.
7- Start apologizing : It is very true that many things can go wrong (micro, power point ..) but in the first 2 minutes listeners will form an opinion on the speaker, and since the human being emits prejudices so quick, it is likely that the speaker in question is unsafe.
A conference is a great opportunity to communicate and try to bring value to the listener. It is also true that it is easy to fall into any of these errors.
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