Summer houses, the cost-effective way to extra space
In the past summer houses were thought to be something of a luxury, and were confined to the large gardens of grander houses. They also tended to be places that you could only really make use of in the good weather.
In recent times, however, thanks to new construction methods, the summer house has become much more affordable. They’re also much better designed and more robust than earlier versions, making them a practical addition to the household. Combine this with growing numbers of people who are working from home http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3645475.stm or starting their own businesses, the summer house can also be a useful way of adding office or studio space to your property.
Why summer houses?
If you do need home-based workspace it’s often a good idea to have it outside the house itself. That way you’ll suffer fewer distractions from children, pets and other domestic goings on. It also helps you achieve a separation between ‘home’ and ‘work’ – even if the commute is only across the lawn.
But where in the past a summer house may have been draughty and unsuitable for use in the winter, a modern properly designed summer house is something that you’re able to use all year round. And of course it’s available for its original recreational use too, so you can still use it for leisure purposes. Add a patio area or deck in front and a summer house makes a great place for spending time outdoors, or can become a useful play space for the kids on rainy days. Alternatively, it’s a great space to shut yourself quietly away and read a book, or somewhere for students to study and revise.
Cost advantage
Building summer houses in Northern Ireland is much cheaper than adding an extension to your house and will cause much less disruption. This type of garden building will in most cases not require planning permission to erect either, so there’s less hassle in getting it built. Consult a specialist like http://www.morrowsectionalbuildings.com/summer_houses to find out more about what’s required.
Whilst a summer house will cost less to build than a conventional extension, that doesn’t mean that it won’t add value to your property. It’s an attractive feature that is bound to appeal to buyers when you come to sell.
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