When it comes to value perception, Amazon is the best brand in the world
Amazon is the strongest brand not only in the United States, but throughout the world, according to “Value-D”, the ranking of Millward Brown, who has taken the conclusions after surveying 150,000 consumers in 24 countries taking into account also the price perception.
This is the first time that a report is published based on the value of brand strength, and the results we can find, we would say are not as surprising as we could imagine. Those who occupy the Top 10 are not necessarily the best known, the sexiest, with the most growth or the most used.
On the contrary, they are companies that generate confidence in their consumers and that are qualified according to the perceived value and the value paid. Thus, in the world ranking, we find Amazon in the first place, but Colgate in second, and Nokia in third position. We also find well-known brands such as Coca Cola or McDonald`s.
The strange thing is the case of Apple, which does not appear in the list of 10 despite being the brand that is most desired worldwide, but in that case, Peter Walshe, Millward Brown, said he was not included because “a Despite their very high level of desire, their perception of prices is even greater. ”
“Google is not part of the list because most consumers use their services for free, so you can not measure the price angle,” he said.
In this sense, although Starbucks and other coffee brands may be more convenient in general, Nescafé worldwide, and Folgers in the United States entered the Top 10 for their perception of prices.
In the case of the United States, brands such as Coca Cola, Colgate or Microsoft also repeat in the world ranking, although others like Wal-Mart, HP, Dell or Bud Light also appear. The most surprising case is that of Wal-Mart, which is the company that outperformed all its “brick and mortar” rivals, although it still can not compete with Amazon.
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