Keys to make an online business succeed in times of crisis
The numbers speak for themselves. In a period in which the crisis lurks various economic sectors, there is a significant upturn in online purchases, which increased by 58.5% in the first quarter of 2010 reaching a turnover level of 715.23 million euros. euros, according to data from the Telecommunications Market Commission.
Showroomprive, the second largest private online sales store in sales volume, argues that market competitiveness leads to the development of new sales arguments. The differentiating value of an online sales page is not only marked by the products, but factors such as the quality of service, the agility to maximize traffic or maximum security in the purchase.
Taking into account these factors, we highlight other keys for our online business to proliferate and achieve success in times of crisis.
1. Offer
This is the key to success, offer a large number of products of great interest to the user and that are the main claim to visit the page.
The rest of the keys allow to optimize the marketing of the product, but it is the offer that serves as a contact with the users and that allows the extension of the visit in the page of the same.
2. Design and content of the website
The potential buyer has to feel the ability to touch and experience the virtual. You have to seduce him and extend the time of his visit as much as possible. For this, the page can not be poor in content, much less in design. The visual must convince the user to stay and continue until the completion of the purchase.
3. Navigation and Ergonomics
All online business must be easy for the user: a simple navigation in which the Internet user knows at all times where he is. It is also important that it can navigate with a single click of the mouse.
It is important to offer different search methods: by subject, price, manufacturer, brand … and a search engine that facilitates the purchase to the user.
4. Trust
One of the biggest fears of users who are going to make their first online purchase, is the security in the processing of the payment of your order. To alleviate this, we must bet on total transparency by providing as much information as possible about the company and absolute confidentiality with the payment data with user data protection policies.
5. Web Marketing and Product Value
It is essential to know how to combine, use and measure the results provided by marketing tools that attract traffic to the page such as Search Engine Marketing, Display Marketing, Emailing, Affiliation, Social Web Marketing, etc.
It is also an essential requirement to give clear and concise descriptions about the products offered, photos in high quality and from different angles, etc. Everything that can make consumers understand what the product they will receive at home is really like.
6. Initiate the purchase
There are several marketing tools that help increase the consumer’s purchase, or even make the buyer decide to purchase the product before moments of doubt. The promotional sale, discounts in%, is one of them. Also coupons for price reduction or euros-free purchase with which the client feels rewarded after his purchase.
For example, one of the successful tools that has led Showroomprive to become one of the most important online stores in Europe is the Flash Sale. This is to encourage the purchase of the user by putting limited quantities, at excellent prices, for a short period of time.
Cross Selling or Up Selling are two tools that allow motivating the purchase of the client. It is about proposing products to the consumer that complement their purchase. Thus, if a customer purchases a DVD player, they will be offered DVD movies at the best market prices before making their purchase transaction. You can also offer a DVD player with better features, in which case we would talk about Up selling.
In short , the key to any successful online business is, in addition to offering products of maximum interest, that is flexible enough to adapt to changes taking into account three fundamental pillars in a period of crisis: Adapt and innovate, Centralize efforts in the client and constant promotion.
The most important thing for a company with a business model vulnerable to the crisis, is to take advantage of the economic context to deepen the activity before wanting to expand it. That is, focus the business on: product and customer.
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