The offer of value is no longer what it was, or who it was
It is the obsession of all companies that try to be competitive. Generating a value proposition that allows us the success of our product is the great grail to which we all aspire. That is why we spend much time to see that we can offer our customers to gain their trust and to acquire our products or services.
I would like to turn our attention to the factors that may determine a value offer that really have an impact on the market. To do this if you think I enunciate some premises that by increasing competition in terms of quantity and differentiation, reducing demand, and developments that are taking market generally still remain as true in too many companies and maintained not provide good results…
- The value proposition is a single trade issue. Unclear, if we understand commercial aspect as an independent and isolated role in the company
- The value is determined by the company. False the value is in the eye of the customer is not in the hand of the company
- With a product or service successful bid value is guaranteed. Many factors in the product environment generating commercial success, so that a good product does not have to be synonymous with success
- The company to generate value only has to worry about technical, economic and customer benefits aspects. Uncertain
- The value obviously be tested with the client, but the trial and error that many models generic espouse today to generate, methodology have a sub tractor effect precisely the value of what they are offered by bad experiences with the product
- Is the marketing or sales department is responsible for generating that offer value. It must be the company as a general entity which has to provide the offer and senior management responsible for this function
- The value proposition is a blip. Less and less, and the client considers a global thing that combines multiple features that is what adds value
- Any offer value which is capable of easily imitated is only a noncompetitive comparative advantage, which is becomes an attractive little power business
- To design a range of value we must think about our capabilities. One should think of the “problematic” and attention received by the customer, but also all what makes this behavior values, habits, fashions, preferences, lifestyle, etc., from there to design an offer real value and for the client beneficial.
Value offer at present the customer views it as something not only related to the products, but broadens its sights to the company in general, so I do not think I exaggerate if we say that an offer of value must be for all “customers” of the company, which as I said in another post are none other than those who buy the products, company employees, shareholders and the community which lives the company. Any offer that does not have value as target these groups, be a partial offer value, which will not create the desired results, or the level of loyalty that is required for the smooth running of the company.
As I said the globalization of markets, increased information available to it as to all companies, can reach wider markets without doubt, but is also causing the same has to think all I say to that ultimately is purchased by brand and not by product as is happening in many cases. If everything that affects the brand we care with care, coherence and sense of the desires of the customer, a product can generate an important and differentiated value, but if they occur or there are behaviors of the company who decry that brand, supply value will be reduced even if the product has a high technical, economic or benefits for this value and of course will cause less willing to purchase.
The value proposition has changed many rules hitherto accepted and started from a look from the very short-sighted and focused on marketing the product or service. Today the value to be generated from the product, of course, but also from everything this around him (brand), and something to keep in mind today is the recipient of that value can no longer be just the client. Value offer has expanded and globalized its sources of generation-creation, because now that supply has run and meet other collective destination, not only the client.
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