PsicoMarketing: The psychological factor in purchase decisions
Those familiar with literature and science researchers recognized as Sigmund Freud, they understand perfectly the factors that influence our personality and the connection between our innermost thoughts or memories and our own decisions and reactions.
Their different studies certainly served to begin to know the inner workings of our subconscious and impact both the experiences and reactions to different situations or stimuli to which we usually submit. At this point, we can ask the question of how psychology relates to marketing?
After the powerful shadow of Freu, there are many other names that have later addressed the field of neuroscience and psychology looking for the keys that directly affect our perceptions through marketing strategies.Among them highlight characters like Tim Pethick, pioneer of emotional marketing, Nestor Braidot, an expert in the field of neuroscience and neuromarketing or Paul Zack, who has devoted much of his career to measure and observe what happens inside the brain of people while they make decisions.
The vast majority of studies and findings in this regard clearly show that most of the decisions we make have their origin in no conscious motives. Applied this principle to the techniques of marketing, sales, communications or advertising itself, we understand that many factors not noticeable to the naked eye, which can condition us in purchasing decisions or our emotional perception of certain products or brands.
Through Neuromarketing and Psicomarketing, all these factors and aspects related to the objective of solving different issues and scenarios in the business world, thus defining all methodologies and strategies to seduce and retain the customer, influence its decisions are analyzed buy, enhance incentives for greater advertising impact, etc … all learning from the relationship and causes of mind and behavior.
In modern times, the importance of psicomarketing for many of the large companies and brands is considered a fundamental and indispensable element in its chain and marketing mechanism. Many of these companies resort to hiring experts and neuroscientists to build “the desires of consumers” and continually work on the study of the responses of consumers across different research methodologies in order to determine purchasing behavior, sensory stimuli or the level of customer satisfaction.
The different psychological factors that may be involved in our perception and decisions are extensive, but certainly fully decisive in the vast majority of situations where our brain and subconscious face when opting for one or another option or even determine which are our preferred establishments.
This is certainly a process where they can reach intervene every one of our senses. The visual, olfactory or auditory perception begin to acquire major role in certain marketing strategies and marketing adapting for example the environment, (décor, colors and shapes) of shops and stores, or determining what kind of music is more appropriate to stimulate certain feelings or incite, slowing or accelerating the pace of the consumer.
The mechanisms of neuroscience and psychology applied to marketing are sometimes extremely simple when applied on such basic as repetition and continuous repetition of messages or stimuli techniques. And so, to the extent that determine this level of repetition may become much commercial success of a product.
In the eyes of science, consumers could be defined as a kind of constant satellite observation and listening mode, capable of receiving, processing, analyzing information and stimuli that will later be retrieved to set your preferences.
Therefore, the purpose of the application of such science in the field of business and marketing, is to find ways to establer a connection with the emotional receptors consumers to broadcast their own messages and favorably influence the perception of the associative aspects and purchasing decisions.
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