Tablets drive mobile content consumption
The tablets will be the main growth engine of the mobile content trade. It is expected that in 3 years the demand for payment content through the tablet exceeds that registered via smartphone.
According to the new delivery of the Mobile Content Business Models report, prepared by Juniper, the volume of mobile content purchases is expected to reach around 40 billion dollars this year, compared to 25 thousand in the previous period. A figure that will continue in crescendo, until in 2016 reaches 65 billion dollars.
The report indicates that today, the content most demanded by mobile users is related to music and video, which accounts for about half of revenue. However, this significant increase will be mainly due to the demand for videos, games and ebooks by tablet users.
Thus, e-book commerce is constituted as the product most demanded by this type of users; Due in part to the e-reader applications provided by Amazon, Nook or Kobo. It is also important to highlight the ever-growing development of tablet video applications. The study also has a special section dedicated to the consumption of video games by these users; Where the great expectations about their migration, coming from the traditional video consoles are raised.
Another big boost for the market will come thanks to the possibility of directly charging the purchase amount to the mobile operator, so that it is included in the telephone bill. In this way, Juniper indicates that the conversion rate will increase and a new niche market will be reached: that of customers who do not use banking services for their online purchases.
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