How to clean your dishwasher

Dishwashers clean our dishes, so surely they clean themselves in the process. right? If this was the mindset we had with our toilets and sinks, we’d notice the issues rather quickly. But dishwashers tend to be closed off, with their filth obscured – it’s typically the smell that grabs our attention.

To help prevent this, we’ve put together this simple, comprehensive cleaning guide to keep your dishwasher as clean as your dishes.

The Cutlery Basket

We’ll start with the easiest area: the silverware or cutlery basket. Because of its latticed design, it can hold cutlery while allowing water to flow through – but it’s also primed for catching food debris.

Giving it a quick scrub every week will get rid of any nasty leftovers, and help keep your silverware sparkling.

The Filter

Similar to the cutlery basket, the filter is prone to catching leftover food – fortunately, that’s its job. But it’s also dependent on you emptying it to keep it working efficiently and prevent overflowing.

You’ll usually find these in the floor of the dishwasher, and can usually clean them by unscrewing them by hand. This will vary depending on your model, so ensure you find an appropriate guide or consult your owner’s manual.

The Seal

Not the animal, nor the singer, the seal in your dishwasher is what contains the water during a wash. This means it’s prone to gathering muck after multiple washes. Simply wipe it down with warm, soapy water – around once a month – and you shouldn’t have any problems.

In some cases, a dishwasher may be past its best and use too much energy with minimal results. It’s worth considering an eco-friendly, semi integrated dishwasher, such as those found at Wellingtons Home Electrical, to get your dishes clean without breaking the bank.


Fortunately, these require the least maintenance on your end, ideally being cleaned every 6 months, but are still essential for a smoothly operating dishwasher. Removing any debris from the sprayers – toothpicks are your friend – will keep the water jets working effectively, maximising the cleaning power of your machine.

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