Companies that trade online can not do without offering live help to their customers
According to ATG, specialist in electronic commerce, the prospects of Electronic Commerce in 2018, through all its forms of online marketing, are encouraging.
According to the data of the last report of the sector published by the CMT the past 16 of April, the buy-sale of goods and services through Internet moved a volume of business of 5.752 million dollars in during the 20187, 11% more than in 2017, and everything points to the fact that the forecasts for 2010 are unbeatable.
However, although it does not stop growing, it seems that will be in the queue of European countries in terms of number of companies with presence and sale over the Internet, and the problem is derived from the rate of abandonment of users , something that is solved with live help. 2017 seems will be decisive to get closer to levels. One of the main limitations to the growth of online consumption is the lack of confidence that the user has when taking the last step, since more than 50% leave the shopping cart. And to avoid this, it is essential that e-commerce sites implement a solution of “live help” to address the doubts of their customers before they desist and leave the purchase process halfway. This will make the difference between successful sites and those that do not.
Forrester Research recently pointed out the importance of live help. In said report he affirms “Do not make the client despair to get help. No matter what effort e-business professionals put into the visual and written content and the functionality of their digital channels, customers will have questions. To help keep them with the brand and in the channel, e-commerce professionals will offer interactive support, such as click-to-call and click-to-chat. ”
Jack Wilson, Vice President of Sales of ATG EMEA, points out “Companies that trade online and that already use this service claim that it means an increase in the degree of satisfaction of their customers, since they are provided with professional, fast and free support to solve their difficulties at the moment they need it, with a qualified agent that provides them with help and solves their doubts or incidents. This help allows companies to maximize the income and benefits of each potential customer that enters their Web. ”
Electronic commerce is becoming an essential sales tool, and it is essential that the customer has all the facilities at the time of purchase so that he does not abandon it.
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