The Importance of the Web Design Brief

The Importance of the Web Design Brief

A web design brief is one of the most important elements in the process of website construction. More than just a set of instructions, the brief steers the development and design of a site to achieve the desired goals and objectives of a client.

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Reduces Assumptions

A detailed web design brief provides an overview of your business and what you want to achieve from your website. More importantly, a brief that has been compiled with the attention it deserves spells out clearly what the target audiences need or will want to get or achieve from the site. With clear information given about the new site’s requirements, there is less room for making (inaccurate) assumptions.

A Clear Brief

It’s the quality of the information in a design brief that is important, rather than the quantity of information. According to The Industry, the length of the brief itself doesn’t matter. What is important is that the designer has the information needed to get the job done, and the client understands the requirements set out. In fact, information overload in a brief may create a less clear picture of what is required, and is often due to the client not fully understanding what they or their target audiences may want from a website.

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Achieving Conversions

By detailing in your design brief who your customers are, what they want from your site, and what your, and their, goals and objectives are, you’re better equipped to achieve conversions. The brief can also look at elements of your existing website that you may wish to carry over to your new site, if they’ve proved successful, whilst eliminating any aspects that haven’t been as favourable.

With the aid of professional designers, such as a Leicester web design agency like, the design brief lets you build on the successes of your previous website, while retaining your audience and improving the design to grow and capture new audiences.

Getting it Right

When a designer follows a design brief, the end product should hopefully reflect what you wanted from a site. Without a brief, mistakes may be made along the way, which could end up costly and time-consuming to rectify. A brief helps you stay on track, meet the required deadlines and keep those all-important costs down. Both the client and agency can manage expectations through the design brief.

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