Desirable elements for school playgrounds

Desirable elements for school playgrounds

Does your school need a new playground? Does your existing play equipment need repair, looks tired or no longer serves the purpose you want it to? If you’re considering fresh playground equipment for your school, here are some important elements you’ll want to include:

The best surface materials – Getting this right means an accessible play area all year round, regardless of the weather. Avoid materials like tarmac as hard, abrasive surfaces cause injuries. Modern playground surfaces favour softer materials like grass matting, rubber mulch or wetpour cushioned surfacing. These are safer for children, as well as offering great all year round durability.

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Shelter – Some form of shelter is advisable as you can never guarantee sunshine in the UK! Neither children nor staff are fond of indoor wet weather play and even though a shelter won’t stop these on very bad weather days, they can help to reduce the number of times that rain prevents outdoor playtime.

Fun equipment – Invest in play equipment that children love. Consider freeform climbing frames, a climbing tower, swings, slides and even parkour areas. The more opportunity for using their imaginations, the better. Trim trails and a nature area are also inspiring and provide diversity and interest for all children. For Playgrounds Gloucester, visit Greenfields, an installer of Playgrounds Gloucester equipment.

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Surface markings – One of the cheaper options but no less fun are markings on the ground for games. Whether traditional or modern, sporting or for role play, painted markings provide additional play options for children.

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