The 12 types of consumers of Social media and electronic commerce
A new study by Proclientia revealed that almost 40 percent of consumers turn to Facebook and Twitter to supplement the news, information or offers they receive through email marketing campaigns.
The study also identified 12 different types of online consumers. For this, the levels of action in Social Media and consumption were analyzed according to the different ages and income levels. Each user was thus encompassed in one or several different profiles, up to the total of all the identified, which are:
Circle of trust : 47% of online consumers identify with this group. They are interested in maintaining their relationship with family and friends, not in developing new relationships. As clients, your attention is difficult to grasp. They are not prone to receiving brand emails and do not like it when a company sends them messages via Facebook or Twitter.
Cautious : 33% of online consumers consider that they are part of this group. It is a group of consumers that is usually very selective about who they communicate with and about the type of information they share on the Net. For them it is very important that their personal information is treated with respect for the brands. They are very little active in Social Networks.
Information seekers : 33% of online consumers identify with this group. This group goes to the Network to find and consume information. They are not interested in creating new content but in collecting opinions through product analysis and comments from other consumers. The members of this group see Facebook as a tool to talk with friends and family and Twitter as an information channel. Good content in the profile of the brand in social networks and in their emails is the best way to get their attention.
Enthusiasts : 32% of online consumers see themselves as part of this group. This group brings their offline interests to the Network: music, film, sports, … and seeks to connect with people who have the same interests. They are fundamentally young and are quite active both through social networks and email. They like to be the first to receive the information of the brands, but they demand that this information be of quality and interesting.
Bidders : 30% of online consumers identify with this group. They are characterized by searching for offers and discounts through all available online channels: email, Facebook, Twitter, … they are not very active in generating their own content, but they do participate with comments on articles about products or companies. 45% of mothers with children still at home identify themselves as “solicitors of offers” and on average they are fans of about 10 brands on Facebook, follow 10 companies on Twitter and receive 14 marketing emails spoiled per day.
Buyers : 24% of online consumers consider that they are part of this group. They are most interested in buying when they are online, but their interests are not limited to online transactions. They spend a lot of time researching and preparing their purchases. Unlike “bidders”, these consumers are more interested in quality than price. They are over 25 years old and have high purchasing power. 35% of “buyers” say that they like to buy brands that send them consensual emails; 27% are more likely to buy brands after following them on Twitter and 17% buy brands after becoming their Fan on Facebook.
News addicts : 21% of online consumers are part of this group. It is characterized by using the Network as a primary source of information for news and events. They are active contributors in Social Media, especially publishing articles, commenting on others and giving votes to news and comments. 65% are over 35 years old. They are more likely to read articles about products than the groups of “buyers”, “Enthusiasts” and “Bidders”.
Players : It is formed by 19% of online consumers. They are interested in news about videogames. It is a group with low purchasing power. They use Social Networks, especially Facebook, to play and share experiences. They are little interested in following brands in those networks.
Social butterflies : 13% of online consumers consider that they are part of this group. Making and keeping many friends is the priority for the members of this group. They use networks to talk with their friends, but not with work colleagues. They are interested in offers and prefer to receive them by email to do so on Facebook or Twitter. Bloggers are active, usually fed with comments about their lives.
Business first : 8% of online consumers identify with this group. This group is on the Internet to do business, looking for the latest trends, capturing professional contacts and opening job opportunities through networks such as Linkedin. They use email frequently and although they are not very fond of following brands on Twitter, they are active users of this Social Network. It’s easier to catch them as a fan and “followers” by promising product updates or educational information than by promising discounts or entertainment.
Amplifiers : 7% of online consumers. The members of this group want to connect, educate themselves and share resources and information with others. They take their social interactions very seriously. 20% use Twitter daily and have three times as many followers as the average consumer. They receive more emails than the average, but they are rarely commercial emails, since they consider Facebook and Twitter to be the best way to deal with companies.
Open book : 6% of online consumers are part of this group. This group is known for displaying its tastes, negative opinions, etc. on the Web. They feel free on the Net and may leave inappropriate or highly controversial comments. While “amplifiers” are interested in connecting and learning, “open books” want to spread their experiences and find people to tell them about. Regarding brands, they can be their maximum defenders or detractors. They can be captured with exclusive content and given facilities to interact with the company.
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